Entry Level Digital Marketing: Mission 1 - Marketing Intro
Exercise 1: AirBnB Analysis
What problems does the company solve?
Price - Cheaper than hotel stays
Connection - Hotels have to serve many customers simultaneously
Availability - Not all places have hotels. E.g. rural towns
Local experiences - Hosts are able to package up local activities and knowledge
What's the market like?
Competition with temporary housing listings
Find the niche: Total trips booked --> budget and online --> AirBnB
Customers buy things:
To solve a problem
Because they’re “in the market” for it
Sell the pen!
Jordan Belfort's famous exercise to sell a pen is aimed at redirecting our thinking to understand the customer.
The models of selling we have imprinted in our minds is a slick, quick talking salesperson who highlights the features of the product and only asks questions at the end of his pitch.
The video suggests to reverse this method.
Ask the customer:
How long have they been looking for a pen?
What kinds of pens are they used to?
What problem have they encountered?
Did they just lose a pen or are they looking for something different?
What would they like to use the pen for?
How many pens are they interested in?
Have they used any of our pens before?
What have they heard of our pens that can help?
I feel like marketing can be a helpful tool in qualifying some of these questions.
It can also weed out unwanted customers.
The Task: Create a Company
Company Name: LeftOvers
What does it do? An AI-based tool that does your meal planning based on the ingredients you have left.