If you want to check out the other parts of this series, the links are below:
- Overview
- Identify the Character
- Create a Villain
- Introducing a Guide
- Give them a Plan
- Call them to Action
- Prevent Failure
- End with a Win
- Participate in Their Transformation
- Brandscript your Website
- The Narrative Void
- The Marketing Roadmap
The Elements
7 elements to an impactful story.
The Character
- Make the customer the hero: not you/your brand
- Identify what they want
- The story is about the journey of discovery if the hero will get what they want.
Has a Problem
- Don’t sell solutions to external problems
- Customers buy to solve internal problems
Meets a Guide
- Everyone is looking for a guide
Who gives them a Plan
- Guides who give plans are more trustworthy
Calls them to Action
- Characters don’t normally go out of their way to change their behaviour
- They need a cue or event to trigger the change
Avoid Failure
- What’s at stake?
- Cost of not doing business
Ends in Success
- Give them the vision of how great life will be
The Template
If you're following the book, it's not obvious where to find the template on the current Storybrand website.
However, a quick Google search found an updated version here: